Hello there!
I am Fabian Wolf, Web Developer and Frontend-Designer, primarly engaged with Usability, WordPress as a CMS and E-Commerce solutions. Passionate and ardent at work. With a big focus on usability, amenability and accessibility.
Hire me - per hour or day.
Just give me a call at , - or send me a mail ;-)
Webdesign & Usability
For more than 20 years I've been designing concepts, creating and developing websites with focus on Usability and Accessibility. Of course this includes access for mobile devices, too (Responsive Webdesign / Device Agnostic Webdesign).
- Website Development (starting from 1500 EUR / 1800 USD)
- Web optimization (Improving loading times, mobile / responsive optimization etc. )
- Take a look at an excerpt of my portfolio
WordPress & ClassicPress
One of my focal points is WordPress, the well-known Content Management and publishing system, which I've been using both as end user as well as developer for over 18 years.
Of course, I am using ClassicPress, the continuation of the 4.9.x branch of WordPress, without the Gutenberg block editor, and strong focus on business, reliability and security, too.
- Conceptual design and development of websites (starting from 1500 EUR / 1800 USD)
- WordPress-Migration - from WordPress 3.x to ClassicPress 1.0 or WordPress 4.9 (5.x on request)
- Custom plugin- or theme development / adaption
- System checkup and repair - «when the house is already on fire», ie. fast help with compromised or hacked WordPress-based websites (starting from 300 EUR / 450 USD)
- System / Site security and maintenance (eg. Upgrades, switching to SSL, Domain / website transfer, Security Audit and more, starting from 120 EUR / 150 USD)
E-Commerce & Shops

xt:Commerce, osCommerce, WooCommerce, PrestaShop, OpenCart, Jigoshop as well as custom, stand-alone solutions. This includes the mere frontend development, plus application development, up to building and administration of entire shop websites..
- Realisation of shop websites (starting from 3000 EUR / 3500 USD)
- Backend development (Plugins, CMS-to-Shop system integrations, connecting APIs, etc.)
- System protection and administration
Short extract from my portfolio - a few up-to-date projects.
UI Local Image Optimizer
Local (ie. server-side) image optimization using existing system toools (eg. ImageMagick), instead of having to rely on external services. The latter seem to be the norm these days with most of the plugins found in the WordPress Plugin Repository. Optimized for ClassicPress and WordPress 4.9.x / 5.2 using the Classic Editor plugin.
- Use locally (= server-side) installed tools for image optimization (ImageMagick, optipng, jpegoptim, pngquant, etc.)
- Fallback option: in PHP integrated image processing functions (GDLib, GMagick, IMagick)
- Selective single file optimization using the built-in Media Library
- Backup of the original files
- Batch processing
- License: GNU GPL v2
Planned functionality:
- specific compression / optimization levels for the registered WordPress / ClassicPress image sizes
- Automatic or semi-automatic image optimization right after the initial file upload
- simple setup wizard, which may also be started seperately from the regular plugin activation process
- decent Filter & Action Hook documentation
Project started: 06/2019
WP Devil
After many years, I've decided to help myself to a decent, independent developer weblog, again. Uses ClassicPress.
- Topics: Web Development, Music, Linux
- ClassicPress 1.x installation & sane (!) configuration
- Internationalization thanks to the Bogo-Plugin
- Theme / Design based on Magnus
- Adaptions / Enhancements include: Variable Fontsize adaption depending on word count (per singular post), header settings, etc.
- Advanced Custom Fields Pro to the rescue (to supply additional configuration options)
- Loading time optimizations include: Autoptimize & Hyper Cache
Starting time: 01/2019
URL: https://wp-devil.com
UI SSL Enforcer
Plugin for WordPress and ClassicPress, which ensures, that all kinds of embedded resources in a website are 100% transfered via SSL / TLS ("https").
- By default: Requires no configuration - just upload and activate
- Combines several methods, which before have been roaming around in separate plugins (by different authors; these include SSL Enforcement constants, as well as shortcode, widget and content parsing using filters and cache data, if available
- Direct support for Hyper Cache, WP Fastest Cache as well as Hummingbird Performance
- License: GNU GPL v2 or higher
Planned features:
- Simple, stand-alone caching (output buffer)
- Direct support or integration with other common caching tools
- Optional admin screen or configuration file for developers
Project started: 05/2018
Technical realization of the website of datacolor, market leader in color management and calibration (eg. Spyder5 photography calibration tools)
- Installation and configuration of WordPress
- Theme development based on HTML5 templates (Bootstrap, jQuery)
- very excessive template development
- Responsive Webdesign
- Usage of Advanced Custom Fields for most part of the admin GUI
- Internationalization using WPML (4 languages, including modern chinese)
- Toolkit development, to fix common issues with WPML (among others, includes a class library for improved, easier query of the translated Custom Post Types, ACF etc)
- Development of a custom String Translation API (i18n)
- and much more ..
- Design realization by Pixelstark.de
Project duration: 05/2016 - 06/2017
Mastodon Embed Improved
Embed Mastodon-Posts, ie. «Toots». easily into WordPress posts and pages.
- Embedding using a shortcode
- Complete OOP rewrite of Mastodon Embed
- Resulting in multiple embeds per page
- Proper shortcode initialization
- Backward compatiblity to the original plugin
- Uses the Simple HTML DOM parser class instead of XPath
- Working caching inkl. manual refresh option
- Fallback / Option for direct embedding (inkl. resp. CSS)
- Debug mode
- License: GNU GPL v2 or later
Project started: 04/2017
UI Leaflet Integration
Userfriendly integration of the Leaflet.js Library as a plugin for WordPress.
- Clean integration of the most up-to-date Leaflet version
- Shortcode including extensive Documentation
- Default map system is OpenStreetMap
- On-Demand-Loading of the required CSS and Javascript assets
- License: GNU GPL v2
Planned features:
- Multiple markers per map
- Shortcode generator with address lookup (OSM Nominatim and compatible)
- Supporting all available features of the Leaflet.js library
Project started: 07/2016
More information about my modi operandi may be found as a text document with extensive project history (German), contact information and quick CV at my networking website.
Questions? Answers!
How much is the fish? (ie. what is the usual price for a regular website?)
According to my experience you need at least 25 hours of work to create a website - in terms of costs this is ~1500 Euro (Germany & Switzerland) or ~1900 USD. Although, most of the time, the actual amount of work is somewhere between 30 - 40 hours (about 1800 - 2400 EUR or 2250 - 3000 USD). This is, because nothing works without a solid base concept, and even when doing »PSD2Theme«, ie. conversion of pre-prepared design screens into a WordPress theme, one still requires proper structure and layout.
There is a (German) guide by my colleague Marc Hinse, which is mostly up-to-date (except the notice about the average hourly rates for freelancers in Germany; Alternative option): Was kostet eine Website?
Hourly rates?
Germany: My default hourly rate is 60 Euro (plus VAT; which are currently 19%).
Outside of Germany (including the US) my default hourly rate is 75 USD. For EU countries there may be custom arrangements - just ask me about it.
The commercial part?
The default case is: 33% to 50% deposit up front, right after placing the order; the rest when finishing the job. Respective partial invoices may be issued on request / by arrangement (PDF document).
Payment is accepted via PayPal (international) oder bank transfer (IBAN; EU, UK, plus Canadia).
Also, there are fixed price packages available at wp-devil.com. These include, among others, simple or advanced migration from WordPress 4.9/5.0 to ClassicPress 1.0, as well as fixing WordPress sites which have been reported as hacked.
Following is a small list of colleagues and associates whom I'd like to recommend to you :)
Martin Jablonka
Profession: Graphics Designer and Web Generalist
Tags: Print Design, Web Graphic Design, CMS
Extremely obsessive-working, competent friend with excellent communication skills, with whom one is able to get projects realized especially well. Both within team work as well as solo projects :)
Schokokeks.org Hosting
Dependebale, professional web hosting with focus on security.
I.a. excellent, quick support, git/SVN repositories, WebDAV, SSH / shell account, Jabber / XMPP on your own domain, Let's Encrypt SSL certificates, complete DNS management interface, DynDNS option and Roundcube Webmail.

Usability Idealist
Fabian Wolf
D-52066 Aachen
++49 (0)241-894 386 34
++49 (0)177 53 27 307
You may reach me directly using the above phone number(s) (10:00 - 20:00 o'clock CET), via E-Mail, as well as using the Contact form.
Alternatively you may reach me via one of the listed networks or sites: